Helix will load in any DAW that supports VST or AU plugins, 32-bit or 64-bit. Navteq maps download free. More of Everything Helix is an open gold mine for the sound designer in you. Listen to Helix They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In the case of Helix the picture is sound. Please listen to the audio demos of Helix's presets.
Gold' wrote:What's the deal with Helix being commercial? The website seems to be set up to sell it but when I DL'ed the demo version, it's really the beta from over a year ago and he still has a bunch of testimonial quotes posted calling it a free synth. Anyone know what the status is on that?There are indeed differences from the beta version. The biggest one is maybe the presets Other differences include: Phase Modulation Delay (For FM:ing anything). Improved the sound of the Standard LP filter.
Visual representation for the Envelopes. Faster Startup on Windows (mac was already pretty fast). String-Model Filter. Left-Right arrows next to controls to 'flip-through' settings. Global RMS Limiter. Global Distortion. Global Equalizer.
GUI bug-fixes. Improved compatibility with Metro and other hosts. Minor GUI cleanups.
Velocity is mod source. Fixed legato bug (restarts releasing voice). Tempo synced delay. Delay Key ducking optional.
Ctrl-klick, now sets to zero instead of 'default' value. Reverb modulation depth adjustable. Delay mix goes to zero. Eq Quality is wider. Fixed a denormal problem with the Distorsion. Advanced Routing (from stages to global effects). New Delay Mode (Stereo Switch, supposedly Jean_Michel_Jarre used this a lot).
A Stereo-Phaser. Bugfix, 1P-no-res filter opens up fully. Shiny new 'Flanger/Chorus/Mod Delay' alive and kicking. Bugfix for some number rounding oddities that showed up on AMD processors. (like wrong options being selected in popup-menus) An Osc-Amp-KeyTracking control, to easily make oscillators quieter in higher registers. Negative Feedback for phaser. Phaser use two frequencies instead of frequency and depth, makes it easier to control.
Shiny new Rate Reducer. Phaser speed as a mod destination. Shaper-drive as a mod destination. The LP of the string oscillator is a mod destination (O1-Harm). Osc-Width is a mod destination. Exposed lower and upper key for osc-amp-key-track The result of osc-amp-key-track is a mod source, with the cryptic name 'O1AKT' AKT abbr. For Amp Key Tracking.
Fixed a bug using LFO-speed. Fixed bug where a voice-source would modulate a global-dest.
Specifically the Phaser speed. Integrated bank/category/preset selection (no prev-next buttons ATM) Integrated preset-rename. Integrated preset-save. Works in Logic.
(PC) Improved preset system (prev/next) 'save-as' replaces 'rename' More presets included Fixed another denormal bug (visible in 'TBG High Drug anthem') Minor optimization to the 'wave' osc Does not reset the main volume when flippig through presets. Negative numbers shows up as -1 instead of 4,294,967,295 Fixed note-stealing-bug. Fixed LFO-sync-to-host-bug. Minor GUI-fixes (including black text). Fix to the limiter. Fix to auto-off to never shutdown as long as voices are playing. Fix denormal issue in EQ (visible in michus riff patch) Fix to band-limiting very high notes (you could get aliasing when playing silly-high notes) Fix of 'mirror' time shape (no more nasty impulses at edges) Remember bank and category when you close/open the GUI.