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Bala Atibala Mantra Pdf To Jpg

суббота 13 октября admin 20

It is believed that anyone who looks at the moon on the night of Ganesh Chaturthi will be falsely accused. Since it is possible to see the Moon inadvertently, it is customary to hear the story of Syamantaka Mani, at the end of the Ganesh pooja and repeat a verse relating to the story. The story is narrated in Bhagavatam and Skanda purana. There is also a scientific basis for avoiding seeing Moon on this day, but let us examine the puranic basis for this belief and the lessons to be learnt. One day Lord Ganesha after conferring boons on Brahma was riding home on His mouse. When He reached the realm of the Moon, His pace stumbled. Seeing this, the Moon who was bright from the light borrowed from the Sun and proud of His splendor laughed at the site of huge Ganesh riding a small mouse and his stumbling steps.

Ganesha wanted to teach the Moon a lesson in humility. He therefore cursed the moon that no light may fall on the Moon and that any one seeing the Moon on the fourth day of the bright half of the month of Bhaadrupad be falsely accused. When the Moon realized the consequences, He asked Ganesha to pardon him for the pride.

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Ganesha modified the curse and said that henceforth, there will be waxing and waning of the Moon to remind him to be humble. He also said that whoever hears or reads the story of Syamantaka Mani will not suffer false accusations. The story of Syamantaka Mani is as follows: In Dwaapara Yuga, the third milleneum, during Lord Krishna’s time, there was a yaadava by name Ugrasena. He had two sons, Satraajit and Prasena. Satraajit worshipped the Sun God and obtained a special jewel called Syamantaka Mani. The jewel was extremely bright, shining like the Sun and when worshipped, was capable of giving eight loads of gold daily. The jewel has to be worn only by v irtuous person.

Satraajit wore the jewel proudly and walked the streets of Dwaaraka. Due to the immense luster of the jewel, people in Dwaaraka mistook Satraajit to be Sun God himself. Satraajit visited Lord Krishna to show off the jewel. Lord Krishna then suggested that the gold could be used for the welfare of the people and so it could be given t o Him. Satraajit, of course refus ed and went home. A few days later his brother, Prasena wore it and went for hunting. A lion seeing the yellow jewel, mistook it for a mass of flesh and attacked Prasena.