Facebook memungkinkan Anda untuk mengomentari posting teman-teman Anda, mengkonfirmasi atau menolak permintaan teman. Anda dapat memperbarui status Anda, melihat apa yang teman Anda lakukan, meng-upload foto, periksa pesan dan melakukan pencarian nomor telepon ketika Anda membutuhkan mereka kapan saja dan dimana saja. Facebook allows you to comment on posts of your friends, confirm or deny friend requests.You can update your status, see what your friends are doing, upload photos, check messages and search phone numbers when you need them anytime, anywhere.
SIMPLEST PROCEDURE: First Download 3 Files 1. Install “NortonSymbianHack.sisx”.
Go Options – Anti-Virus – Quarantine list. Go Options – Restore. Accept prompt. Exit application. Delete Norton from Application Manager (Symantec Symbian Hack).
Also delete “C: shared ” folder. Install “RomPatcherPlus_3.1.sisx”. Launch and apply patches: - Open4all for full access to file system.
- Installserver for installing any unsigned applications. (If “Installserver” has red cross, follow steps 8 to 15.) (If checked, reboot now your phone.) Note: Set patches to auto if needed. (Options – Add to auto) 8. Install X-Plore. Press (Menu – Tools – Configuration). Check all (Show Hidden Files, etc.). Open “installservers_pack.zip”.
Choose what Symbian OS you have. (List below) 14. Copy “installserver.exe” from the folder of your OS to “C:/sys/bin”. (No need to apply patch on.
The home screen is well laid-out, displaying your Facebook news feed by default, then giving you one-click access to your events, messages, pokes, and friend requests, all from the same screen. I was also fond of the Photos tab, which gives you fast access to your albums, then allows you to flick through your pictures with ease.
There's even a button that lets you take a picture on your phone and upload it directly. This official Facebook client integrates quite nicely with your phone.
For instance, it automatically adds events to your phone calendar when you accept them, and it can import Facebook contacts into your phone's contacts. The main problem with the client is that it's not that quick, and it can often take a while to load data, especially if there's lots of activity on your Facebook. Overall though, the official Facebook app makes it much easier to access the social network on your Symbian device.