We all know that main fun of Lineage 2 is in PvP fights. But before it every player must pass through long way of boosting his character. You should collect equipment, make some long and harassing quests. To make all these things easier we created Tears of Luck.
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You can buy for this currency some quest items for most important quests, some usefull consumables and equipment. You can find full list in special section at NPC Dyna on our server.
But remember that list of goods is not final. It will change with evolution of server. We want to make this currency some kind of help for new players too, via it newcomers will be able to catch up old players. How to get Tears of Luck: Our team understand that all players must be in equal conditions generally. So you can get ToL only in game.
You can farm ToL in locations: Solo locations: Varka Silenos Stronghold (all mobs drop ToL) and Ketra Orc Outpost (all mobs drop ToL) Party location: Forge of the Gods. Party location means that drop of ToL is better, but there is PvP zone on Necrospot of FoG. We understand that 3 location can be not enough. If players will like this idea we will add more locations, but we will not make a lot of them.
ToL must be reward for challenge, not usuall item. If you will collect more ToL than you need you can exchange them from other players on something you need. If you have any idea how to make better this conception - tell us, please! Hi I have important question.
I read L2Dex forum and L2EU. Like we all know this too servers work together.
In this too forums to most important topics for players are Buffs and Mana pots. Some ppl want mana pots some ppl dont. Some ppl want buffer some ppl dont. So cant You make for example on L2Dex server with NPC Buffer and mana pots for ppl who want play for fun and who dont have in summer a lot of time for making boxes. And on L2EU delete bufffer and mana pots for ppl who want game more hardcore??
And yet you have no ideea how to work in ai.obj ( you self admited this ) Good developer. What you work on server side? I need refresh your memorie. I said that is no app for change quest rates in ai.obj and i never made it in ai.obj. There is NO where that I said i don't know to work in ai.obj. But for your info(off topic): if you want to change qest rated, change the two push_const in the [rand] function up from [GiveItem1] function at the item you want.
Example if is 1st push_const 50 and other push_const 2 is 2/50 drop rate = 4% with a simple math calucation (2*100/50)=4%. And for this is only a text editor needed. Is no problem if you don't know all, is kind of normal and is no shame,.
If I don't know i ask but for sure if i asked some one and didn't knew i didn't started to flame as you do. Ofc no one can know all. Edited February 4, 2014 by xeL.