Illegal Immigrants Rush to Get Driver’s Licenses in. It was the first day California allowed immigrants in the state illegally to apply for a driver’s license. The law makes it illegal to discriminate against anyone who holds a driver's license with that mark. A crackdown on document fraud has sent the number of driver's licenses issued to illegal aliens. Download usb vibration joystick driver win 7 64 bits. California's Immigrant Driver License Program by the. But critics say that with measures like the driver’s license program. The state expects some 1.5 million illegal immigrants to receive licenses. Illegal Immigrants Rush to Get Driver’s Licenses in.
California Officials Instruct State DMV Programmers To Remove Undocumented Alien Flags on Drivers Licenses A senior level IT source within the California Department of Motor Vehicles has informed CTH within the past 48 hours California officials have instructed DMV data programmers to remove the internal coding flags for the drivers licenses of illegal aliens in California. As you might be aware, California passed a law known as AB60 authorizing illegal aliens to receive drivers licenses throughout the state.
Plus program pre law. Within the administrative functions of the state DMV database a designation code known as “AB60 code” was created to flag those specific licenses as containing “Federal Limits Apply”. We have confirmation from a top level IT source state officials have instructed programmers to immediately remove AB60 administrative coding. The removed code in question is an administrative function for identifying the registered DL holder as an “undocumented person” or illegal alien holder within the DMV database. The established computer flag allows an administrator or DMV or State official to filter the massive database of California Drivers License holders and identify just those who are ‘undocumented’. The removal of the “flag” via deletion of the program code, means the database cannot be easily filtered to show only illegals who received those Drivers licenses, and/or generate a list of those license recipients. According to the IT source the motive for the code/flag removal appears to be an effort hide data and curtail any tool useful in any voter fraud investigation. Several additional aspects lead to this conclusion including California hiring former U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder to lead the fight against the Trump administration. Additionally, the State Drivers License process via the State DMV has an on-line link to the Secretary of State office in order for California residents to register to vote. As a specific function of the programming code within the SoS system, and as a direct outcome of previous instructions, all voter registrations proceed through the registration process, even if the user “forgets” to check the box that says they are a citizen.