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How Real Is Real Paul Watzlawick Pdf Printer

вторник 06 ноября admin 76

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% perform ance appraisal, also #no!n as a post appraisal, is an evaluation of an employee&s!or# over a period of time, rather than for a specific pro'ect. (erformance appraisals, often delivered durin) an annual revie!, focus on comparin) the e*pectations a business has for a particular 'ob and the performance of the person holdin) it. +no!in)!hat to e*pect durin) your annual revie! Can help you better p repare for a performance appraisal.

ob -escription he first part of a performance appraisal should be a revie! Of the 'ob description. his is the )uideline under!hich you should be operatin) durin) the year. If you don&t have a!ritten 'ob description, your boss can revie! You b ased on responsibilities you didn&t #no! You had or don&t thin# are yours.%s# for a!ritten 'ob description if you don&t have one. o u also can prepare one for yourself and submit it to your direct superior to ensure you both are on the same pa)e.

0oals he ne*t step in a p erformance appraisal usually is a revie! Of the )oals an d e*pectations of the position to determine if you met them.% sales person mi)ht have a simple )oal of a sales uota. he position )oals mi)ht include maintainin) e*istin) customer accounts and addin) ne!

Candy cnl 145 manual meatloaf. One of the experts who has been working in this field is Dr. Paul Watzlawick, and he here presents, in a series of arresting and sometimes very funny examples,.

Ones, or maintainin) customer satisfaction benchmar#s.% business mi)ht reuire more than 'u st accurate fi)ures from its accountin) department.%n accountant mi)ht be e*pected to #eep financial data current so e*ecutives can  uic#ly )et realtime reports. he accountant mi)ht also be e*pected to analye financial data and pro'ect performance so mana)ement can ta#e steps to avoid problems or ta#e advanta)e of opportunities. esults he #ey aspect of a performance appraisal is your delivery of the e*pec ted results for your position. 4i thout as#in)!hy or ho!, y our superior!ill!ant to #no!!hat you achieved, and if you fell short of, met or e*ceeded your )oals. Is not the time to ma#e e*cuses or )ive reasons6 this part of the appraisal is simply to ma#e sure both of you are on the same pa)e as to!hether you did!hat!as e*pected.

7valuation -urin) the evaluation sta)e of a performance appraisal, you and your revie!er try to determine!hy you performed as you did. his is your time to ma#e your case for not bein) blamed for shortfalls or bein) re!arded for e*ceedin) e*pectations. 8or e*ample, if an accountant isn&t #eepin) financial data up to date, it mi)ht be a result of the company&s order entry system that allo!s sales people to!ait to enter their orders for many days or even!ee#s after the y close deals. his is the time to e*plain any innovations you developed, such as!ays to c ut production times, reduce labor costs or increase product uality. If you dreamed up an advertisin) campai)n or promotion that boosted sales, ta#e credit for that durin) this portion of your appraisal.

his is the time!hen your employer ma#es sub'ective observations, such as on your interpersonal s#ills, ability to communicate effectively,!or# habits and other personal behaviors the company has noted. 9efore some annual revie!s, you mi)ht be as#ed to fill out a selfappraisal, and superiors and subordinates mi)ht be as#ed to evaluate you. -etermination:nce your evaluator has revie!ed your 'ob description, determined!hether you met your responsibilities and e*amined!hy you did or did not succeed, it&s time to tal# about the future. If you did not meet e*pec tations, you mi)ht as# for more support or trainin). If you met e*pectations, )ive su))estions for ho!