® A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. 24 or 48-Port 10/100 Fast Ethernet Switch 16, 24, or 48-Port 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet Switch WIRED with WebView User Guide Model. Now when I connect the serial port I did not want to end run the firmware. Linksys SmartSwitch based on 88E6218 with ARM946E-S. 32MByte SDRAM. I-Cache 8 KB. D-Cache 8 KB. Cache Enabled. SRW224G4 - How send firmware? Created by Ivan Shirshin in LAN, Switching and Routing - View the full discussion.
Linksys Switch Password Recovery Procedure Originally authored by Jesse Molina, Revision History • 20060616, v1, Original document At this time, this password recovery procedure is not made publicly available by Linksys. Furthermore, when I needed to password recover one of these switches for the first time, I was given wrong information from Linksys.
As such, I'm documenting this procedure here for reference. In fact, this may be the first time this procedure has been documented. Follow these steps to password recover the applicable Linksys switches. Physical access of the switch is required, in order to connect the serial cable. This procedure applies to Linksys models SRW2016, SRW2024, SRW2048, SRW224G4, SRW248G4, and possibly other switches.
• Connect the Linksys serial cable that came with the switch between the switch serial port and a nearby computer serial port. For Windows, use Hyper Terminal or VanDyke CRT/SecureCRT. For Linux, use minicom. For other unix types, try cu/tip. • The switch default serial port configuration is set to 38400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control. • Confirm that you have a valid serial connection by pressing enter a few times. You should be prompted with a login screen.
• If you have successfully established serial communication with the switch, reboot the switch by disconnecting and then reconnecting it's power cable. • The switch will begin it's POST procedure as displayed in the serial terminal emulator. Be ready at the keyboard to press the Esc key. • Watch for the following line to appear during the boot sequence. When you see it, immediately press the Esc key. 'Autoboot in 2 seconds - press RETURN or Esc. To abort and enter prom.'
IMPORTANT: Do not hold down the Esc or Enter/Return key during the boot sequence. Only press the Esc key when prompted. • If you successfully interrupted the boot sequence, you will be prompted with a Startup Menu.
Option number 3 will be the 'Password Recovery Procedure'. Select this option. • The terminal will display, 'Current password will be ignored!'
Press enter to continue with the boot sequence. • The default account 'admin/' will be enabled and you can log into the switch using this account. From here, you can set new accounts without having lost the switch configuration. • After you have configured new accounts and documented the passwords, reboot the switch and log in normally to confirm that passwords have been recovered successfully.
• You are done. Disconnect and store the serial cable in a safe place for future use.
Be sure to document a login username and password somewhere safe for future reference.
I have two Netgear SRW224G4P switches with serial console ports. I'm using a Sabrent USB 2.0 to serial cable adapter with a female-to-female serial cable. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit and using putty to connect. However, nothing appears in the console window.
I do not get a 'press enter to begin' message, and if I press ender, nothing happens. There is no jibberish in the console window to signify the wrong baud rate. If I pull the power on the switches and let them start back up, I do not see any POST information. The serial settings I'm using: COM3, 38400 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity off, flow control XON/XOFF. As a comparison, I had all of this working with a different model switch--a Netgear SRW224P, so I know the cables are good, and putty is functional. Is there a trick to connecting to a SRW224G4P switch's console port?
[edit]: I also tried the baud rates of 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, and 31250. Download super yoyo full episode. None of these rates seemed to work and all I got was a blank, unresponsive screen in the console.
Flow control should be off - chaper 4 page 7 I've used both hyperterminal and putty for this. Also I remember having some fun and games with a SRW248G4P - whatever I did I couldn't connect - tried a straight through cable, then modified it to cross over, then changed it to cisco rollover. However the cable didn't have all the pins populated so that possibly could have been the reason. Luckily I found a flaw with the SRW248's - they would only operate at around 20Mb per port rather than 100Mb with certain NIC's so Cisco swapped it out for an SF300-48P. Again I tried my home made cable with no joy but the cable supplied with the replacement worked fine. I've found a website that says it's just a normal straight through cable, but often cables aren't fully populated and I'm wondering if this could be an issue.