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Someone mentioned how in photoshoot mode the characters suddenly wear their underwaer again. The above methos can also be used to prevent that! Again in outfitCategories look for the section 'UNDERWEAR' and change the line '0 = 3' to '0 = 4'. Now, whenever they AUTOMATICALLY put on their underwear, you won't see it.
However, if you send them to a dresser and tell them specifically to put on underwear, they will put on VISIBLE underwear. Also, when your characters meet others they are not acquainted with, they will usually rush to find a dresser, and put on clothes again. This will NOT happen when they're wearing swimming gear, though. So what you do is, also change the line '0 = 2' under SWIMMING to '0 = 4', and send them to a whirlpool after that.
For the whirlpool, they will AUTOMATICALLY wear the invisible bikini or trunks. They will appear naked, but still meet anyone without blushing. Again, if you send them to a dresser to specifically put on their swimsuit, they will wear VISIBLE bikinis or trunks. Why this trick doesn't work with the dresser, is a mystery to me, but that's how it is. Anyway, with this invisible underwear and swimgear, you can make nice NAKED photoshoots of your singles! BoilingOil signing off. Beebee18 and Elros_x already told us how to get rid of the censorship, but even with this trick, whenever a character uses the toilet, they get pixelated.
Jun 6, 2005 - Unzip and upload the file game.exe cfg to a subdirectory singles 2 > Config and then start the game. You will receive in this way access to.
This can be prevented from happening: Go into the 'Singles2 Effect' folder, find the file 'PixelateShader.fx' and rename, move or delete it. Just make sure the program can not find this file. From now on, there's no more pixelation in the bathroom.
Japji sahib in punjabi free download. Japji Sahib - Bhai Harbans Singh.mp3 (16.28 MB) Sada Sat Simran Singh Khalsa - Jap Ji Sahib.mp3 (18.22 MB) Sant Kartar Singh Bhindranwale - Jap Ji Sahib.mp3 (17.59 MB).
Ofcourse, without pixelation things look even weirder than they already did, because now one can clearly see that the characters do not drop their pants before sitting down. BoilingOil signing off.
It would appear that there are NO fixes to remove the censor blur from Singles Flirt Up Your Life - retail version 1.6 well then could someone tell me where to download another version? For the love of god! can download the AO version from direct2 or just browse the internet by typing in.' Singles flirt up your life AO'. That is where I got mine from. I could swear there was one though.
I had the game on another computer at one time and I found something that got rid of the pixels, but this was a couple of years back. I try to reinstall and I can't remember where I found that cheat at.
It must have been something that manipulated the game files though.