Deconstructing the Myth of the Norden Bombsight On our first day at Norden, we were awed and even scared to be in the very building that housed the mysterious, secret, powerful and famous Norden Bombsight It is a wonderful, superb instrument It has made an unsurpassed contribution toward the. Bombsight, Data Book, transit box, photocopy of 'M-Series Bombsight Maintenance and Calibration' (1944), photocopy of 'Handbook of Instructions for.
Target ahead’bout 15 degrees left maybe six mileswatch that formation, Georgestay in there tight and when I call for a level, that’s what I mea n, qui ckwatch toward the sun for fighterslead group is going in nowTop turret! Fighter at 11 o’clock our levelthey look like Fw-190s. Get that SOB Remmell!now flak, closer start evasive action, Georgehere he comes, top turretc’mon, Remmell, hit him!nice shootingthink you got him! Approaching IP [the point beyond which the bombardier controls the flight], Give me a level, Georgestart the camera, Beezy hold that levelwatch the air speedbomb bay doors opensteady, steady, just a little longer now, level dammit, levelhold ’er levellevel!steady!bombs away!Let’s get the hell outa h ere!
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Flak on the other side nowthere goes a Fort out of formation aheadbomb bay doors closedcamera off, Beezyboy, the eggs were right in there, gang, swell bombinglook at the smoke down there wotta mess! Take over, George, and take ’er home! The success of any bombing mission depends on accurate targeting. That much was clear early in World War I, when small bombs dropped over the side of an airplane seldom scored a hit.
Both the Germans and Allies developed rudimentary bombsights, and the U.S. Army Air Service and U.S. Navy began testing them in 1918, along with prototypes developed in America. Bombs fall in a curved path; from 20,000 feet, for example, they must be released approximately 2½ miles from the target.
Many factors contribute to accurate bomb. Ing, including optical and mechanical prin- ciples; direction, movement and speed of the airplane; aerodynamics of the bombs; weather conditions; and enemy action. From the early 1920s until 1929, the Navy used a bombsight known as the Mark III Pilot Directing Sight, and the Army Air Service (from 1926, the Army Air Corps) employed a similar model.
In 1921 the Navy’s Bureau of Ordnance assigned Carl L. Norden, a consulting engineer, to study the prob- lems surrounding precision bombing. Two years later he began collaborating with another engineer, Theodore H. Barth, on an improved sight, in cooperation with Captain Frederick I. Entwistle, assistant research chief at the Bureau of Ordnance. In 1927, after six years of work, they produced their first successful bombsight.
The Navy had returned an ear- lier prototype created by the team for mod i- fication, but the second version—a marvel of design—was quickly approved. Forming a company known as Carl L.